1. Samos, GR -- 1.3 Refugees on Samos May/June 2016 -- 1.3.2 Other Volunteer Organisations

There are several volunteer groups active on Samos and each of the groups (most of them NGOs) have their own tasks; they work independently of each other but cooperation occurs. UNCHR--the UN refugee agency--MSF, Friendly Humans, Samos Volunteers and others.

'Samos Volunteers' representtives
Ruth and I interviewed representatives of a volunteer group of the name 'Samos Volunteers', Bachanard from Romania and his female counterpart from Spain (see photo).

Active volunteers of 'Samos Volunteers', August 2016
Source: Samos Volunteers Facebook profile photo
The group is neither an NGO nor dependent on any government but a collective of independent volunteers. They rely on direct donations and keep material donations in a warehouse. Bachanard's stay here on Samos is sponsored by an NGO in the UK, other volunteers pay on their own. 'Samos Volunteers' started in October 2015 before any of the NGO's appeared and operate in the closed camp with the full support of local authorities. The group has a presence on Facebook which helps them recruit volunteers, physical donations, and monetary donations. Volunteers pay their own way while on the island.

They say that many major international aid organisations have withdrawn their activities in political protest against the detention center policy leaving them as one of the only groups covering the practical needs of the refugees. They regularly distribute non-food items such as clothes, hygiene products, tents, sleeping bags and blankets but also crutches and strollers.

Inside the warehouse--boxes waiting for unpacking
An American volunteer gets order into chaos
Hygiene bags sorted by gender and age

Physical donations are collected in a warehouse which happens to be located a km or so above the detention center. Here, short-term volunteers generally sort items from boxes into bags.

Recently the group has set up activities in the camp to counter the incredible boredom that comes with inactivity and daily waiting for everything. They started with language and recreational classes (music, math) for children and adults which are taught by volunteer teachers from the refugee community. Other activities followed in July and August; for example the Scottish company Cricket Scotland donated cricket gear which helped primarily Pakistani refugees get engaged. Other recent activities include kite flying, paint projects on walls, as well as swimming lessons for children in a local pool (source: Samos Volunteers Facebook). In all these activities the volunteers act as organizers looking for suitable space, setting up schedules and providing needed resources whereas refugees provide the content.

Together with a partner volunteer group Friendly Humans they also run an evening cafe inside the camp where tea and coffee are served and games are played. This is to provide a much needed social space within the military-run detention camp; a humanizing effort.

Samos Volunteers recruits volunteers who spend their vacation time on the island as volunteers. People come for one to four or five weeks on their own dime, often also bring physical donations as well and then leave again. According to the Guardian (11/14/2010) this is dubbed 'voluntourism', one of the fastest-growing sectors of tourism. According to the article and also some locals that I talked to such voluntourism is not without its problems even though it should help somewhat in alleviating the economic pressure felt by the overall decreased tourism activity. According to a rather insightful opinion piece by Chalalet and Jones greater general awareness through critical reflection on individual prejudices and preferences as well as deeper engagement with the refugees themselves would be helpful.

Samos Volunteers differentiates in its job allocations between shorter-term (up to three weeks) and long-term volunteers; the former generally do not get access to the refugees which in view of the above-said is a wise decision. Long-term volunteers get to distribute needed items within the camp and can thus interact with the refugees directly.


Birrel, I. (11/14/2010). Before you pay to volunteer abroad, think of the harm you might do. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2010/nov/14/orphans-cambodia-aids-holidays-madonna

Chalalet, S.A., Jones, C. (7/26/2016). Volunteers and Refugees on Samos. https://samoschronicles.wordpress.com/

Samos Volunteers (August 2016). Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/samosvolunteers/

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